Chapter 23.2 - Geng Yan’s Initiative (2)

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After Chen Xiaohui’s beating by a group of Pan Weilong's little brothers, he was close to ending up becoming disabled.

He laid in bed for several days before he had to bear the pain and go out to buy food.

If he hadn’t stored enough food near the head of the bed in his residence, there would’ve been the possibility that he would have starved to death due to the fact that he didn’t have enough strength to crawl to the storage room to get food - ending up as a big joke within the base.

"Busying myself for so long, trying to grab all these opportunities, only for it all to seem like a joke!"

The corner of Chen Xiaohui’s mouth curled up in self-mockery, but because he pulled the bruise on his face with the action, he immediately grimaced in pain.

Geng Yan was besotted with Ji Anran. And Ji Anran, that fake white lotus, will definitely never let him join Geng Yan's team again. So this route is completely impossible.

Meanwhile, Pan Weilong doesn't have any favorable impression of him because of his younger brother’s matter.

He should consider himself fortunate that when he had been looking for another team, he had deliberately chosen Pan Weilong, who typically used relatively gentler means. If this had happened under someone else’s roof, he wouldn’t have just been beaten like a dog, but he would have been directly fooled to leave the base before being secretly killed and his corpse tossed away!

"Say, do you think the man inside is already dead? If he’s gone, we - as neighbors - should go tell the security bureau, so at least he can be buried rather than just letting him rot in the house."

"Right, right. This young man doesn’t have any family, and since arriving at the base, he had also been without anyone to depend on. We, neighbors, should really help each other out."

Very warm-sounding words, yet there wasn’t even a trace of warmth in their tone.

Chen Xiaohui clenched his fist as he just sneered in his heart.

How was this showing concern towards him? It was obviously to test whether he was really dead or not, wanting to take the opportunity to enter his house to steal a bit. The security of this community was quite good, so if they were to break in without permission, they would be found. But if they were to find the security bureau saying that he might have died, getting them to open the door...

A large group of people crowding into the house like a swarm of bees… The public security bureau would first go to try and find the owner of the house, meanwhile, these people would be able to take advantage of this opportunity to steal a quite lot of things!

Chen Xiaohui stood up while enduring the pain, then changed his clothes to head out.

His neighbors were very disappointed, each scattering off to where they should be.

Chen Xiaohui knew that his situation in the base wasn’t very good. As a water-type ability holder whose attack power wasn’t very high, he needed to find his next backer as soon as possible.

He had quite a lot of supplies on his hands, which would attract too many covetous stares.

Half an hour later, looking at the research institute of the base in front of him, Chen Xiaohui gritted his teeth and walked in.

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After having a short break, Geng Yan stood back up.

“Let's go. There should be guesthouses for tourists of the farmhouse. We can check it out a bit later. If the risk inside isn’t too high, we can stay and rest overnight in one of the guesthouses.”

Passing through the wall surrounding the farmhouse, what was in front of the group of people was a long, long concrete road.

On the two sides of the road were fences more than a meter high, and beyond them were fields and fields of vegetables.

Because there has been no one to take care of them for a long time, many of these vegetables had already matured or even aged past their prime. What was even more troublesome was that, because there was no one wedding, all kinds of weeds were mixed in as well, closely interwoven with the vegetables.

As soon as Gao Xun saw the vegetable field, he felt his head begin to ache.

"These vegetables are almost drowned out by the weeds already, what else is there to do?"

Ji Anran couldn’t help but laugh. "What else could be done? Of course, for you to pull them up one by one~"

Gao Xun felt his vision go black. "Geng-ge, how about, how about we just give up these vegetables?"

When Big Boss Ji heard this, he could help but feel full of emotions.

In the end, it was still the first year of the apocalypse, so it was still relatively easy to find supplies. By the time next year arrives, it won’t be that easy to see wild vegetables like this anymore.

Then by the third year, it would even be considered lucky if one were to find any grass that hasn't mutated yet. You say grass isn’t delicious? One should already laugh up their sleeve were the grass to not to be poisonous, if you have the guts, why don’t you go hungry~

"Gao Xun, I gather that if those living at the bottom in the base saw these vegetables, they will not disdain them for being troublesome." Ji Anran sighed.

Gao Xun's strength wasn’t bad, so he would be able to live well no matter how many years into the apocalypse it would be. It was truly, each to their own lives… Some may live very well, even in excess, while others might not even have enough to survive.

Hearing this, Gao Xun couldn’t refrain from feeling a bit ashamed. "You’re right, I shouldn’t disdain it."

"There's a display board here, on it is precisely a map of the farmhouse." Geng Yan took out several maps from the small glass case next to the display board and distributed them to the several team members.

A lot of tourist areas were like this, putting maps near the entrance. Such that no matter whether a tourist would like to walk around with a physical copy or take a photo of the map to use on their phones, they could all be satisfied.

"The guesthouses are over here..." Ji Anran's face suddenly darkened, and his little hands also started to tremble. "Geng-ge, there are geese, there are geese near the guesthouses!"

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YinYue has something to say:

Ahahah~ Chickens, exit stage right, please! Geese, enter stage left, please!

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Chapter Description: 

Mutated animals have appeared!

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